Mr. Adolphsen co-founded the company in 1999 and oversees the company’s North American operations. Mr. Adolphsen has over 19 years experience in the software industry. Before joining Stonebranch, he was vice president of research and development for BETA Systems Software, Inc. and head of the Workload Management business unit. Mr. Adolphsen has a strong understanding of technology and how it can be used to address the needs of the marketplace. Mr. Adolphsen has had extensive experience in organization building. He founded the BETA Systems Workload Management business unit in 1996. As head of an independent business unit, he was responsible for revenue generation, sales support, marketing and product development. Mr. Adolphsen has a strong aptitude for customer and industry relations. From his early experiences as a systems programmer and systems engineer, he carries with him an understanding of and empathy for the data center staff. When teamed with his understanding of the marketplace and associated technology, it provides a powerful marketing foundation. |