Present Position:
Professor of Otolaryngology
Stanford University
Adjunct Professor
Department of Otolaryngology
Washington University School of Medicine
a. Undergraduate
1968, B.A., Psychology
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
b. Graduate
1970, M.A., Audiology
Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
1974 Ph.D. Communication Sciences
University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin
c. Postgraduate
1976-78 Postdoctoral Fellowship UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California
Academic Positions/Employment:
Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology
Department of Otolaryngology
New York University School of Medicine
New York, New York
Post Doctoral Position
Department of Otolaryngology
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
Assistant Professor of Audiology
Department of Special Education
California State University
Los Angeles, California
1980-1985 Associate Professor of Audiology
Speech & Hearing Department
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
1980-1994 Head of Audiology
Central Institute for the Deaf
St. Louis, Missouri
1985-2000 Professor of Audiology
Speech & Hearing Department, College of Arts & Sciences
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
1989-1996 Director of Professional Education
Central Institute for the Deaf
St. Louis, Missouri
1996-2000 Professor
Graduate Faculty
School of Medicine
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
2000-2005 Adjunct Professor of Otolaryngology
Department of Otolaryngology
School of Medicine
Washington University
St. Louis, Missouri
2000-2004 Vice President Research and Development
Everest Biomedical Instruments
St. Louis, Missouri
University Appointments and Committees:
a. College of Arts & Sciences
1983-1989 Speech & Hearing Library Committee (Chair)
1985-1999 Washington University Graduate Council Representative
1988-1996 Washington University Animal Care and Use Committee
1989-1996 Speech & Hearing Admissions Committee (Chair)
1989-1996 Speech & Hearing Faculty Promotions Committee (Chair)
1989-1996 Speech & Hearing Curriculum Committee
1989-1996 Speech & Hearing Recruitment Committee (Chair)
1995-1996 Washington University Graduate Council Library Committee (Chair)
Washington University Graduate Council Library Committee(Co-Chair)
1997-1999 Washington University Graduate Council Executive Committee
1998-1999 Washington University Graduate Council Teaching Assistant Committee (Chair) (Developed Summer Workshop)
b. School of Medicine
1996-1999 Occupational Therapy World Wide Web Committee
1996-1999 Occupational Therapy Administration Council
1996-1999 Occupational Therapy Graduate Faculty Committee (Chair)
1996-1997 Occupational Therapy Graduate Assistantship Committee
1996-1997 Occupational Therapy Resource Committee (Chair)
1997-1999 Occupational Therapy Promotion and Tenure Committee
1997-1999 Occupational Therapy Resource Committee
1996-1999 Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate Curriculum Committee (Chair)
1996-1999 Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate Admissions Committee (Chair)
Medical and Board Certification:
1970-2001 Certificate of Clinical Competence, Audiology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1980-2001 Licensed Clinical Audiologist, State of Missouri
Military Service:
1964-1970 Ohio National Guard, Honorably Discharged
Honors and Awards:
1985: Awarded a patent for the first computer-based hearing aid (#4,548,082, October 22, 1985, Co-inventors: Engebretson, A., Morley, R., and Popelka, G.). Sold to the Resound Corporation, in August, 1996, and sold again to a consortium of hearing aid manufacturers, in September, 1996, for $9,000,000. This patent is the basis for all programmable and computer-based hearing aids.
1986: Awarded Certificate of Appreciation from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1987: Elected Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1992: Awarded the Knud Terkildsen Research Fellowship
1994: Elected to Executive Council, Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1994: Elected Editor, Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1997: Awarded a Special Citation from the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1997: Awarded Silver Certificate from the Acoustical Society of America
1997: Elected Editor, Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1998: Awarded Academy Award from the America Academy of Audiology
2000: Awarded Special Citation from Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Editorial Responsibilities:
1986-1996 Member of Editorial Board: The Laryngoscope
1988-2000 Editor: Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1991-2000 Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Communication Disorders
1999-2002 Co-Chair of Journal Committee: Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Editorial Consultant: (Peer reviewer of research papers)
1983-1995 Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology
1993-2000 Ear & Hearing
1988-2000 Hearing Research
1986-1995 Laryngoscope
1980-2000 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
1990-1996 Journal of Clinical Audiology
1990-2000 Journal of Communication Disorders
1980-1990 Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
1980-2000 Journal of Speech and Hearing Research
1999 New England Journal of Medicine
1983-1990 Member of Working Group: Audiometric Evaluation of Electroacoustic Characteristics, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1983-1994 Member of Working Group S.3: Aural Acoustic Immittance, American National Standards Institute
1997 Reviewer, Grant proposals, Paralyzed Veteran's of America
1997-1999 Reviewer, Grant proposals, Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine
1998 Reviewer, Grant Proposals, James S. McDonnell Foundation
1999 Reviewer, Grant Proposals, Tinnitus Research Consortium
Professional Societies and Organizations:
1968-2001 Member, Acoustical Society of America
1968-2001 Member, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1978-2001 Member, Association for Research in Otolaryngology
1997-1999 Member, Society for Neuroscience
1999-2001 Member, American Academy of Audiology |