Mr. Wood has agreed to serve on our Board of Directors. He is managing director of Chancery Export Finance LLC (Chancery), a firm licensed by the Export Import Bank of the United States of America (ExIm Bank). Chancery provides ExIm Bank guaranteed financing for purchase of U.S. manufactured capital goods by overseas buyers. Prior to his designation as managing director of Chancery, Mr. Wood worked as managing director of Baltimore based Bengur Bryan & Co. (Bengur Bryan) providing investment-banking services to transportation related companies in the global Maritime, U.S. trucking, motor coach and rail industries. Before his employment with Bengur Bryan in 2000, Mr. Wood was employed for 27 years in various managerial positions at the First National Bank of Maryland which included managing the International Banking Group as well as the bank’s specialized lending divisions in leasing, rail, maritime and motor coach industries, encompassing a risk asset portfolio of $1.2 billion. Mr. Wood holds a B.S. in Economics and Finance from University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the University of North Carolina and became a CPA in 1980. Mr. Wood presently serves as member of the Boards of Atlanta-based Infinity Rails Wawa Inc., and John S. Connor Inc. Mr. Wood recently served for two years on the Board of LASCO Shipping Co. |