George Bishop is a member of the management team of West Monroe Partners. He is responsible for designing and optimizing engineered labor standards solutions.
George founded LxLi, which merged with West Monroe Partners in 2006. He has been an engineered labor standards consultant for nineteen years. George's main responsibilities focus on designing and optimizing engineered labor standards. He has worked with both management and unions in addressing work measurement and engineered labor standards issues and is a recognized expert witness in the field. He also applies industrial engineering principles in distribution environments.
George's consulting experience extends over many industrial sectors, with extensive experience in manufacturing, distribution, retail and product delivery operations.
George is emphatic about the need for proper training and communication in order to avoid resistance to work measurement standards. He is a certified MOST® trainer who has taught work measurement and methods engineering at the undergraduate level. He is a regular contributor of articles on work measurement and engineered labor standards, including the Industrial Engineering Handbook.
George is frequently invited to speak at international conferences and is recognized around the world as an expert in engineered labor standards design.
George holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in industrial engineering from Ecole Polytechnique Montreal. |