George A. Pruitt has been a director of the Company since May 2002. He also is a director of the Bank. Dr. Pruitt has been President of Thomas Edison State College since 1982. He is a member and past board chairman of the Mercer County Chamber of Commmerce, Trenton, NJ, and is a member of the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, United Stated Department of Education. He sits on the Boards of Directors of Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ; Structured Employement Economic Development Corporation, New York, NY; and the Union Institute, Cincinnati, OH; the Economic Development Corp. for Trenton; and is the chairman of the New Jersey Capital Region Convention and Visitors Bureau. He is a former director of the Trenton Saviings Bank. He has served in an advisory capacity to three Secretaries of Education. He is a recipient of three honorary degrees in addition to numerous awards, honors, and commendations. In a study of presidential leadership funded by the Exxon Education Foundation, Dr. Pruitt was identified as one of the most effective college presidents in the United States. |