Gene Huang is chief economist and managing director of Economic and Industry Analysis of FedEx Services. He plays an active role in business economic and policy circles and serves as an advisor to U.S. government agencies and international organizations. As a member of the Blue Chip Consensus Panel he contributes to the economic consensus used by policy makers as well as the business community. Huang is a member of The Wall Street Journal Economic Panel and the BusinessWeek Business Outlook Panel. He also serves on the board of directors of the National Association for Business Economics the Conference of Business Economists the National Business Economic Issues Council and the Harvard Industrial Economists Group. Huang was profiled in BusinessWeek as its Most Accurate Forecaster in 2002 and ranked second among the nation’s top forecasters by The Wall Street Journal in 2006.
Prior to joining FedEx Huang worked for some of the world’s largest industrial corporations and research institutions including Eaton Corporation General Motors Corporation ICSEAD in Japan and Wharton School of Economic Research Unit. Huang earned a master’s degree from Yale University a doctorate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s of law degree from Fudan University in Shanghai. He is the author of two books and has published articles in U.S. Japanese and European economic and policy journals. |