Dr. Garry S. Meyer was appointed as a Director of the Company and Chairman of the Best Practices Committee in November 2007. Dr. Meyer has an extensive track record of leading the strategic use of technology in large-scale initiatives that deliver extraordinary business benefits and enable high rates of sustainable growth. He is Principal of GSMeyer & Associates LLC a private equity and technology consulting firm. He has more than 25 years of experience in the financial services industry. His most recent prior position was Chief Information Officer of Agency and Personal Markets at Liberty Mutual Insurance. Prior to joining Liberty Mutual he was Senior Vice President & Global IT Quality Leader for General Electric. At GE’s consumer banking and commercial financial services he developed and implemented a strategy of core technology platforms and methods to enable leverage in multiple businesses a key driver of asset growth. He was also a key contributor to record revenue growth through LEAN Six Sigma new product introductions and best practice processes. Previously Dr. Meyer was Managing Director Trusted Services at SAFNET Vice President at Marsh & McLennan Principal & CIO at Smart Card International Inc. Director Information Technology at Citicorp POS Information Services Inc. and Vice President Management Information System at Standard & Poor’s. Garry Meyer holds a M.S. from MIT a Ph.D. from the State University of New York and is certified in Six Sigma.