Ph.D. (candidate) Linguistics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2006-)
M.A. Biblical Literature, Oral Roberts University (1981)
B.A. New Testament studies (cum laude) (1979)
Current position
Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (2007- )
Other experience
SIL International Vice President for Academic Affairs (2005-2007)
SIL International Translation Coordinator (2000-2005)
Part-time lecturer, Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University (1999-2002)
International Translation Consultant, SIL (1995- )
Entity Director of Solomon Islands SIL (1992-1998)
Translation Consultant, Solomon Islands SIL (1992-1998)
Translation Advisor, Cheke Holo language, Solomon Islands (1989-1998)
Linguistic Society of America
Australian Linguistics Society
Society of Biblical Literature
Research interests
Translation and Communication Theory Development
Theology and Translation
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2004. "Read my Lipograms Accurately, Beautifully, Clearly, Dynamically: Is it Possible to Translate the Literary Forms of Psalm 119 and La Disparition?" In Similarity and Difference in Translation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Similarity Translation, pp. 463-474, Stefano Arduini and Robert Hodgson, eds. Rimini, Italy: Guaraldi.
2002. "The genres of 'shouted speech' in Cheke Holo." Australian Journal of Linguistics 22(1): 35-43.
2000. "Review of Introducing Phonetics and Phonology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, by Mike Davenport and S.J. Hannahs." Notes on Linguistics, Volume 3, No. 1, pp. 31-32.
2000. "Cheke Holo Orthography: Local Tradition Clashes with a Linguist's Concerns." Notes on Literacy. Dallas: Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL).
1999. "Titus." Translator's Notes. Dallas: SIL.
1998. "Consultant Checking: Face to Face or Written Interaction?" Notes on Translation. Dallas: SIL, Vol. 12, No. 4.
1998. "Review of The Man with the Long Shadow: A Biography of John Wycliffe, by Clara H. Stuart." Notes on Translation. Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 49-51.
1996. "Review of Kwamera. Languages of the World /Materials 02. Munich: Lincom Europa, 1994, by Lamont Lindstrom and John Lynch." Notes on Linguistics Number 72:52.
1995. "Review of Linguistics and the Language Professions (Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics, No. 25), Stellenbosch, South Africa: University of Stellenbosch, 1992, by Rudolf P. Botha, et al, eds." Notes on Linguistics, No. 70, pp. 33-35.
1992. (with Penny Frank, English version author) "Mae Noah nei Kaisei Nabritha Bi'o" (Noah and the Big Flood in the Cheke Holo language). Oxford: Lion Publishing.
1991. (with Leslie Moseley). "Buka Thoutonu ka Cheke Holo" (Story Book in the Cheke Holo language). Honiara, Solomon Islands: National Literacy Committee.
1990. (with Bekah Boswell). "Buka 2 Ka Cheke Holo" (Book Two of Reading Readiness Series for Cheke Holo speakers). Honiara, Solomon Islands: Cheke Holo Translation Project. |