Frederick Smith, MD is a practicing Medical Oncologist in the Greater Washington, DC community and has been a Board Certified Medical Oncologist for 20 years. He has been a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) for 18 years. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine and Radiation Medicine at Georgetown University, after having spent 8 years as a full-time faculty member in the Division of Medical Oncology of the Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Center.
During his tenure at Georgetown University, he participated in all phases of cancer clinical trials. He has authored over 50 articles and abstracts in the field of chemotherapy as well as reviews of the natural history of malignancy. Dr. Smith was the primary liaison for a French-American agreement for collaborative research as well as for extramural research in the community.
In his current position, he remains active in cancer clinical trials and leads the local community in assisting patients onto appropriate trials. As a medical practitioner, he is keenly in touch with the realities of patient care while maintaining his knowledge of academic life. Consequently, he is an excellent bridge for both communities.
Dr. Smith is widely recognized for his research and expertise in the areas of breast, colorectal, and lung cancers.
Dr. Smith has served as Medical Consultant to the Montgomery Hospice Society, Medical Director of Oncology for Suburban Hospital, and on the Board of Directors and Trustees of The Washington Chapter of the American Cancer Society.
Dr. Smith is a graduate of the St. Louis University Medical School. He did his internship and residency in medicine at the Georgetown University Hospital and his fellowship in medical oncology at the Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center at Georgetown University Hospital. |