Fred Kirst was named vice president of business segments in 2002. In this role, he guides the strategic development of the company’s in-store rental division, Just Ask Rental, in addition to its business segments, including Home & Garden Showplace, Induserve Supply, Taylor Rental and Grand Rental Station. He is responsible for the growth of each division and oversees business strategy, financial planning, sales and personnel development.
Kirst originally joined ServiStar Coast to Coast, a forerunner of True Value Company, in 1991. He served the company in a number of positions, including automotive buyer, director of marketing, and was ultimately named assistant vice president of international sales in 1997. He was promoted to vice president of global sourcing and emerging business in 2000. In this position, he was instrumental in the global expansion of the cooperative's retail and vendor network as well as the advancement of True Value Company's commercial/industrial, rental, events and meetings and corporate development areas.
Prior to working at ServiStar Coast to Coast, Kirst served as president of Stinger Sam, an automotive parts chain in Arkansas and was also vice president of marketing for Country General Stores. He is a graduate of North Central Technical College. |