Frank Conner. Mr. Conner has served as Vice President, Finance and Accounting and Chief Financial Officer of FedEx Freight East (formerly American Freightways, Inc.) since February 2001. Mr. Conner previously served as a director of American Freightways from 1989 to February 2001 and held various positions with American Freightways, including serving as Executive Vice President-Finance and Accounting and Chief Financial Officer from November 1995 to February 2001. Mr. Conner previously served thirteen years with McKesson Service Merchandise in various positions including General Manager and Chief Financial Officer. Mr. Conner served seven years in public accounting with Peat, Marwick & Mitchell prior to joining McKesson. Mr. Conner also serves on the board of directors of P.A.M. Transportation Services, Inc. based in Tontitown, Arkansas.