Dr. Frank J. Richardson, Jr. is a licensed psychologist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and is also an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Biographical Sketch:
Before beginning a career in psychology with an emphasis on developmental disabilities, Dr. Richardson completed his undergraduate degree from Drew University and then earned a Master of Divinity and Doctor in Ministry degrees with an emphasis on pastoral counseling from Boston University School of Theology. He also received a Masters of Family Therapy degree from Hahnemann University in 1985, having studied under Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy. Dr. Richardson is ordained in the United Methodist Church and was the pastor of a local church from 1978-1987, where he was the co-founder of a non-profit corporation which targeted the needs of the elderly in the community. He has been a guest chaplain in The House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. and a guest speaker at the Library of Congress.
Dr. Richardson received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from The California School of Professional Psychology-San Diego in 1993. He was a Pediatric Psychology Intern and Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgetown University Hospital Child Development Center from 1991-1993. Dr. Richardson completed another postdoctoral fellowship in pediatric psychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute in 1994 and since then has been employed in the Outpatient Psychiatry Department. From 1999-2001, Dr. Richardson split his time between being a psychologist in the Outpatient Department and as the Oncology Chaplain at The Johns Hopkins Hospital where he founded The Intensive Prayer Unit. He is a licensed psychologist in Maryland and listed in the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He is a Fellow in The American Association of Pastoral Counselors, a Board Certified Chaplain in the Association of Professional Chaplains and has been a clinical member of The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
Research Summary:
Given his varied background, Dr. Richardson is particularly interested in the integration of psychology and theology and how spiritual resources impact mental health. He also has an interest in childhood bereavement and has published several articles in this area. Dr. Richardson also teaches courses in both developmental psychology and psychotherapy for children/adolescents.
Recent Publications/Presentations:
Richardson, Jr., F.J. , (Winter, 2001). Prayer for the house on the hill. The Journal of Pastoral Care, 55 (4), 349-351.
Richardson, Jr., F. J., Baker, R., & Kastenbaum, R. (1997-98). Development, reliability, and validity of the children’s questions about death scale. Omega, 36, 343-357.
Richardson, Jr., F. J. & Weinfurt, K.P. (1996-97). Death education: A comparison of two programs for mothers of young children. Omega, 34, 149-162.
O’Leary, N., Shafer, H. & Richardson, F. J. "Building blocks: An educational program for parents with cancer." The Association of Oncology Social Work, Cleveland, Ohio, May 3, 2001.
Armstrong, B., Green, A., Knight, L. & Richardson, F.J. "Teamwork and communication: A case example, role-play and interactive discussion." The Social Work & End-of-Life Care Symposium, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD., November 12, 2000.
Richardson, Jr., F. J. "Living with grief: Children, adolescents, and loss. Seventh Annual National Bereavement Teleconference sponsored by the Hospice Foundation of America & hosted by The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center. Moderator for Post-Conference Discussion & Panel. April, 2000. |