Frank E. Dangeard joined Symantec’s board of directors in January 2007. Dangeard joined Thomson S.A., a world leader in digital video technologies, in April 1997 as senior executive vice president. He became a member of the Thomson board in March 1999 and vice chairman of the board in July 2001. From 2002 to 2004, Dangeard served as senior executive vice president of France Telecom. Upon returning to Thomson, at the end of 2004, he became chairman and chief executive officer. During his tenure at Thomson, Dangeard laid the foundation for future high growth in digital media and technology business.
Prior to joining Thomson, Dangeard was managing director of SG Warburg & Co. Ltd and chairman of SBC Warburg France. Before joining SG Warburg & Co. Ltd, Dangeard was a lawyer with Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York and London.
Dangeard also serves on the board of French Electricity Company "Electricite de France" (EDF), mobile telecom operator Orange (France Telecom Group) and investment bank Calyon (Credit Agricole Group). He graduated from the École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques and from the Harvard Law School. Dangeard is a member of the New York Bar and splits his time between France and the United States.