Frank has over twenty years experience in managing public companies at the Executive level. Currently he is President, F. X. Ryan & Assoc. Management Consulting firm specializing in turnarounds, workouts, crisis management, strategic planning, and working capital management. He has extensive experience in business process redesign. Prior to joining the Paradigm Holdings Inc. board Frank was the Central Command Special Operations Officer for Operation Enduring Freedom. He has also been assigned to SOCCENT and served in Afghanistan. Frank is a highly regarded expert speaker in the fields of Corporate Governance and Sarbanes-Oxley regulations. He has held positions as Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, and CFO for Manufacturers and high technology companies. He currently serves as a board member for the following organizations: St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD; Good Shepherd Center, Baltimore, MD; and Fawn Industries. Frank received his M. B. A. Finance, from the University of Maryland, and holds a B. S. Economics, Mt. St. Mary’s College. Frank is also holds a C. P. A. from the State of Pennsylvania. |