Felix B. Laboy leads E-site Marketing, L.L.C. in its pursuit to become the preeminent hospitality Internet Marketing service company in the world. In this critical role he establishes strategic direction and oversees company performance, growth and operations. With his unwavering commitment to the hospitality industry and diverse marketing background, Laboy displayed extraordinary vision with the creation of E-site Marketing in early 1999. Ahead of the curve, he recognized the impact technology and the Internet would ultimately have on the hospitality industry. He is considered a pioneer in the development and integration of many hospitality Internet marketing best practices and solutions that are today replicated and embraced industry-wide. As an established authority and recognized Internet marketing expert, Laboy maintains a highly-visible role in the hospitality industry through his research and articles in trade publications such as the HSMAI Marketing Review and Lodging Magazine. In addition, he is regularly selected to serve as a keynote speaker and/or panelist for many industry events which have recently included: HEDNA, HITEC, HSMAI educational seminars, the Caribbean Tourism Organisation’s annual meeting, and the Puerto Rico Tourism Association’s annual sales and marketing meeting. Prior to establishing E-site Marketing, Laboy dedicated twenty years to an impressive career in hotel and travel marketing. He held numerous executive positions at leading hotel companies including The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., Westin Hotels and Resorts, and The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. In addition, he served as executive vice president of the Puerto Rico Convention Bureau. As a graduate of the prestigious School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, Laboy is an active alumnus and past president of the Cornell Society of Hotelmen Washington D.C./Baltimore Chapter. |