Dr. Eugene Levich has been an independent Consultant to several companies developing new generation of optical storage based on multilayer concept. In 1999- 2002, Dr. Levich was President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Constellation, Inc. Constellation 3D, a NASDAQ company, that developed new generation technology of optical storage for application in consumer electronics (High Definition TV and Digital Cinema) and professional storage markets.
From 1996-1998 Dr. Levich was President and Chief Scientist of a private company-Medevi Ltd. - developing general principles of new generation optical storage-multilayer disks and cards. From 1991-1995 Dr. Levich was Senior partner and Chief Scientist in Orlev Scientific Ltd. - subsidiary of Ormat Industries Ltd., Israel.
Orlev integrated US-Israeli team of distinguished scientists developing industrial implementations of new technologies for management of turbulent flows in pipes and aeronautics. Dr. Levich has discovered, together with Professor Lawrence Sirovich of Rockefeller University, previously unknown basic principles governing turbulent flows. From 1981- 1991 Dr. Levich was a Professor of Theoretical Physics and Professor of Engineering at the City University of New York.
Dr. Levich obtained M.Sc. in Physics in 1968, from Moscow State University and Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics in 1970. He was awarded major research grants by the US Department of Energy for seven consecutive years from 1983 to 1991 and by National Science Foundation in 1990 and 1991.
Dr. Levich has published over 90 papers and book contributions in the fields of astrophysics, nonlinear phenomena & chaos, turbulence in fluids and optical storage. His main research interest for the last 10 years has been in optical storage.
Dr. Levich is also the author of over 40 patents, supported in the US and world wide, in fundamental fields of technology, ranging from managing of drag and heat exchange in turbulent flows to new generation of optical storage. His most recent scientific contributions in the field of turbulence of fluids and turbulence control were published in the monograph -Turbulence Structure and Modulation (Springer, Wien - New York, 2001). |