BA(Saint Meinrad College, 1965)
MDiv(Saint Meinrad School of Theology, 1969)
MA(St. Louis University, 1971)
PhD(St. Louis University, 1975)
Bio: Father Eugene Hensell, OSB, is a Benedictine monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey. In addition to parish work, campus ministry and college teaching, Father Eugene also served from 1982 until 1996 as vice rector of Saint Meinrad College and then president-rector of both the College and the School of Theology. Since 1997, Father Eugene has been engaged in full time retreat work, conducting biblical retreats and workshops for priests, religious, and laity throughout the country and in several foreign countries. He brings to this work over 30 years of teaching experience, as well as a strong sense of the Church’s pastoral needs. With his wide contacts among clergy, religious and laity, Fr. Eugene brings to his students a deep and sympathetic understanding of the challenges facing many facets of life in the contemporary Church. Fr. Eugene is an active member of the Catholic Biblical Association, The Society of Biblical Literature, and The American Academy of Religion. He is the past president of The American Benedictine Academy. He has also recently been appointed to the advisory board of the Journal, Review for Religious. For the past twenty years Fr. Eugene has been a contributing writer for Weekday and Sunday Homily Hints, a service published by St. Anthony Messenger Press. He regularly contributes book reviews to The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, The Review of Biblical Literature, Cistercian Studies and other scholarly journals. He also is an associate editor for The American Benedictine Review. |