Gene Sieczkowski is an audit and consulting partner at Shepard Schwartz & Harris LLP. He has extensive experience in the real estate and construction industries, particularly with respect to shopping center development and management. He also prepares tax returns for the firm’s high net worth clientele. Mr. Sieczkowski’s work with real estate and construction companies involves:Preparing projections to raise funds and obtain financing for shopping center development and expansion. Conducting year-end audits, tax reviews and preparations, tenant sales examinations, common area audits and other specialized reports for shopping center and office building owners and managers. Preparing training workshops on accounting system and operational issues for the internal accounting staff of a large shopping center management and development company.Mr. Sieczkowski joined the firm in 1968 as a staff accountant after completing his undergraduate education. In addition to his client responsibilities, Mr. Sieczkowski oversees the administrative operations of the firm and monitors tax issues that affect the firm’s clients. |