With twenty-nine years' experience conducting public opinion research, Ernest Paicopolos has worked on a wide range of projects from national political campaigns to neighborhood satisfaction surveys. He has dealt with such controversial topics as smoking, nuclear power, reproductive rights, and energy facility siting. His extensive experience in the health care field includes work on heath care policy communications as well as patient and physician satisfaction studies. In the food service industry, he has designed projects for multi-state restaurant corporations and crafted national communications research for large food marketing groups. For the past several years, he has managed member-related and public opinion research for the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) the world's leading trade association in the produce industry.
In addition, Mr. Paicopolos has managed opinion research for scores of successful ballot measure campaigns across the country, and supervised political polling for a number of television stations and newspapers. He also appears on national television, providing analysis of ODC polling results on the FOX News Channel.
Mr. Paicopolos was a senior executive at Cambridge Survey Research, Inc. and Cambridge Reports, Inc. for ten years before joining ODC in 1988. Mr. Paicopolos received his undergraduate degree in political science from Northeastern University. He did his graduate work in political science at the master's level at Northeastern University and at the doctoral level at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. |