Mr. Siegert is one of four Managing Directors of the Financial Restructuring Group of Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, an international investment banking firm. He is located in Houlihan Lokey’s Minneapolis, Minnesota office and is a member of the firm’s Operating Committee. Houlihan Lokey has been financial advisor to the Harnischfeger Creditors Committee during the Harnischfeger bankruptcy case. As Managing Director assigned to Houlihan Lokey’s engagement with the Creditors Committee, Mr. Siegert advised the Committee on financial matters. He has represented creditors and debtors in many large restructuring transactions and has significant experience with mining industry related companies, including AEI Resources (4th largest coal producer in the U.S.), Westmoreland Coal (oldest coal producer in the U.S.), Oren Benton (largest worldwide uranium miner), Gulf Resources and Kaiser Coal. Prior to joining Houlihan Lokey in 1987 Mr. Siegert worked for PAS-CO Capital Corp. analyzing middle market mergers and acquisitions.