Dr. Edward T. Maggio is the former CEO and a founder of Cengent Therapeutics Inc., renamed from Structural Bioinformatics Inc. upon the acquisition of Geneformatics Inc. in May 2003. He is also the former president and CEO of ImmunoPharmaceutics, Inc. (IPI), which developed a number of endothelin antagonists, including Encysive Pharmaceuticals’ (ENCY-NASDAQ) Sitaxsentan, now in Phase III trials for congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Encysive acquired IPI in 1994. Dr. Maggio has been a founder and board member of six public and private life science companies in the San Diego area. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and was an NIH postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco department of pharmaceutical chemistry. He is a member of the Board of Fellows of Polytechnic University, New York; serves on the University of California, San Diego Dean’s Board of Advisors for Biological Sciences; and on the Board of Advocates at Baylor University’s School of Engineering and Computer Science. Dr. Maggio has edited and co-authored a number of books and scientific articles in the biotechnology area and is an author of more than two dozen issued and pending U.S. and foreign patents.