Under the leadership of Ed Burns CIBER’s State Government Solutions group manages nationwide support services for human services engagements transportation integrated justice solutions and finance and administration. Mr. Burns is directly responsible for opening up 15 CIBER offices located in state capitals. His group is currently serving 48 states and 400+ state agencies.
Mr. Burns first started targeting business initiatives for state government in the 1989 for the State of Illinois. Having worked with States across the nation for over 20 years Mr. Burns has a unique perspective and commitment to delivering each government service engagement. Two different and powerful forces are impacting government: A demand for leaner government operation that provides better services more efficiently and the rapid development of never-before-imagined information technologies. These forces pose a daunting challenge to government decision-makers. Mr. Burns’ experience allows him to first understand the goals of government and then use innovative information technologies to achieve the service goals of a more efficient government.
The public sector divisions reporting to Mr. Burns include CIBER’s vertical practices: health and human services focusing on State Automated Child Welfare Information Systems (SACWIS) Women Infants and Children (WIC) Food Stamps Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP) and Child Support Enforcement; integrated justice solutions focusing on law enforcement with Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Records Management Systems (RMS) and wireless solutions for emergency situations prosecution with CIBER’s Case Records Information Management System (CRIMES) and integration with the courts systems and corrections systems including inmate and facility management; transportation focusing on Department of Motor Vehicles intelligent transportation and electronic content management solutions; and finance and administration focusing on financial HR payroll and revenue systems.
CIBER’s State Government Solutions technical centers of excellence – homeland security electronic content management eGovernment and accessibility – also report to Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns has developed a winning philosophy for ensuring long-term strategic relationships with state governments by focusing his group on establishing a local presence and offering high-value repeatable solutions. CIBER boasts significant offices in many of the State capitals with relationships that span over 25 years and a client retention rate that exceeds 93%.
Mr. Burns has been instrumental in empowering many CIBER state government clients to achieve their business goals through effective IT solutions. CIBER’s state government practice is one of the leading providers of SACWIS in the country and has worked with more than 25 health and human services agencies on initiatives during the past 22 years. CIBER’s case management solution CRIMES is the most widely used system for prosecuting attorneys with over 70 implementations nationwide.
Mr. Burns is a frequent speaker and panel expert at industry seminars roundtables vendor and client events and conferences including the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the American Public Social & Health Administration (APSHA). He is a graduate of Roosevelt University with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. He resides in Chicago with his wife Tracy and their three children.