Duncan Champney has working with computers since 1978, when his family got an Apple II, which had serial number #1120. He has done development for various flavors of Apple II, Apple III, and the original IBM PC (under DOS 1.0 and DOS 2.0, before the Mac came out.) He took a job doing development in C for the DEC VAX, and knew it was time to get a new job when the started pressuring him to write in COBOL. That led to his purchase of a Mac (Mac II) and teaching himself Mac development. At this point, he then took a job with a little known company called Quantum Computer Services in 1988. They later changed their name to America Online. He worked there for almost 11 years, and left AOL in 1999. He has been doing part time private consulting since then, and started working with Midnight Mage in 2005. Duncan works mostly with Macintoshes, although he has been known to do Windows development under duress. Duncan has three kids, aged 10, 8, and 4. He enjoy cycling, swimming, skiing, and other outdoor activities, as well as board and card games. Recently Dunan began trying to learn how to play Go, but is not especially good at it. |