Dr. Gjerde received his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Iowa State University. After having worked in large and small companies for a number of years, Gjerde founded Sarasep in 1990 for the production and commercialization of polymeric separation technologies. Profits derived from this business funded the development and commercial introduction of the first commercial high performance liquid chromatography separations of DNA (the DNASep® column technology). In July, 1997, Gjerde co-founded Transgenomic, Inc. As Transgenomic's Chief Scientific Officer, Gjerde was responsible for introduction of the WAVE® instrument to the genomics marketplace and for building the intellectual property estate of the core DNASep® column technology. Gjerde played an active role in the private fundraising and IPO process for Transgenomic, including writing much of the company's business plan in the prospectus. Gjerde has authored and coauthored numerous articles and 4 books and holds nearly fifty patents in separation science. |