Douglas S. Timms is currently on the Board of Advisors of Hot Stix golf in Scottsdale, AZ, First Derivative Systems, Inc. a PVD systems manufacturer in Goleta, CA, and a Medical Diagnostics Group in Torrance, CA. Previously he served as Chairman and CEO of Micrognosis, Inc., an international systems integrator serving the banking and brokerage houses industry. From 1970 to 1980, he was President and CEO North America, of Landis & Gyr, S.A., the Swiss publicly-traded Engineering Group. In this position, he was personally responsible for creating, through acquisition and internal growth, the foundation for what is now a $400 million plus North American Group. He has held outside/non-executive directorships in private and public companies in the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, and Switzerland and is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors in the U.K. |