Doug joined Ellison, Schneider & Harris as Of Counsel in 1994, and has more than 20 years of experience in energy law, regulation and transactions. Formerly the partner in charge of California power contract and regulatory matters at the Los Angeles law firm of Hanna and Morton, and then with the law firm of Roberts and Kerner, Doug has extensive experience in the negotiation of power purchase agreements, transmission access and funding agreements and the financing of private electric power projects. His practice involves all aspects of the alternative energy business. Doug's regulatory work has entailed litigation before the California Public Utilities Commission of rate adjustment and general rate cases of major California utilities; litigation of key CPUC proceedings since 1982 directed at the alternative energy industry including the development of standard offer power purchase and interconnection contracts, avoided cost pricing theory, methodology and derivation; prosecution of complaint cases at the CPUC; litigation and advice relating to the California Energy Commission, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other state utility regulatory authorities. |