Doug Jones is an XCOR co-founder, and our chief test engineer and rocket engine design engineer. He is responsible for testing of all rocket engines, pumps, feed systems, and fluid handling equipment, and, as a consequence, has supervised thousands of tests of rocket engines at XCOR. Mr. Jones handles test design and analysis of experimental results for the liquid rocket engine development, as well as assisting in the design and operation of rocket engine test stands. Jones led the fabrication team that created the first fluoropolymer composite material coupon samples for the oxidation resistant cryogenic tank technology . Prior to joining XCOR, Jones was responsible for detail design of the fluid injector elements in Rotary Rocket s rocket engine design. At Rotary Rocket, he coordinated the assembly, testing, and inspection of 5,000 lbf kerosene-LOX engines, as well as playing the leading role in interpreting test data to improve the following designs. He also provided key analysis and trade study capabilities to propulsion and guidance, including transverse cg shift for precessing control of the Roton pitch and yaw axes. Prior to Rotary Rocket, Jones designed, built, and tested a 400 lbf nitrous oxide-propane engine, its test facility, and a 300,000 cubic foot balloon system for Vela Technology. He designed, built, and tested a 150 lbf monopropellant engine, created a radio theodolite navigation system, and did trajectory analysis for Hummingbird Launch Systems, which he co-founded in 1988. At Alphatronics (a probe card manufacturer), he designed a 500+ channel probe card analyzer, performing analog and digital circuit design for a precision data acquisition system. He also did materials research for high temperature, high resistivity probe cards, working with various resins and processing systems to eliminate porosity, polymerization residues, and stress cracking. |