Doron Steger has been with ClinPro since its inception in 1998. He founded DZS Computer Solutions in 1984, which is now the Data Management Division of ClinPro, Inc. Mr. Steger is the CEO of the company. He also heads the Data Management Division and oversees systems development. As the CEO, Mr. Steger expounds a philosophy to establish generic systems that can be used across multiple projects and drugs. He oversees the overall direction of the business including strategic planning, business development and financial decisions. Mr. Steger directs technology advances within the company, overseeing software development and making decisions on how the company will take advantage of today’s technology to keep us ahead of the competition. Mr. Steger’s initial role at ClinPro consisted of cleaning, reporting and analyzing clinical data. In 1984, he founded DZS Computer Solutions, Inc.. Realizing the importance of technology, he formed a sister company DZS Software Solutions, Inc., and together they developed the ClinPlus software system, which is a SAS and .NET system for capturing, cleaning, reporting and analyzing clinical data. The ClinPlus System is now utilized by many pharmaceutical and biotechnical companies throughout the country; and combined with other sophisticated software applications enables ClinPro to be a technology leader in the clinical trial marketplace. Prior to ClinPro, Mr. Steger served as the head of systems development both at Sandoz (now Novartis) and Hoechst (now Sanofi Aventis). There, he gained the knowledge on how to develop generic systems for clinical trials, saving valuable time and helping speed products to the market, and has since used those lessons to contribute to ClinPro’s present successes. Mr. Steger holds Master’s degrees in computer science and physics. He was an instructor for PL/1, SAS and Microcomputers at Somerset County College. He has delivered numerous presentations at an array of conferences nationwide and has published many articles in publications such as the Drug Information Journal and the Annual SAS Users Group International Conference. He is also the author of a best selling book, The Associated Press Pocket Guide to Buying a Home Computer. |