Sister Doris Gottemoeller supports the CEO's role as chief mission officer by creatively and effectively weaving CHP's values into organizational patterns and processes. She provides leadership in supporting Catholic identity, as well as ethics education and community dialogue on ethics. Sister Doris provides leadership to the regional mission executives in integrating values throughout the system and integrating spiritual care into overall health services. In addition, she maintains dual line responsibility for oversight of the mission role in each region. Sister Doris is responsible for influencing community outreach and care of the poor; human resources; learning and governance development; resource allocation and utilization; quality improvement; marketing and public relations; and corporate responsibility programs.
Sister Doris joined CHP in 2000 after her eight-year term as the first president of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas concluded in 1999. She served on the CHP board of trustees in 1999-2000. Sister Doris also has served in leadership with Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the International Union of Superiors General, the international policy committee of the United States Catholic Conference and the steering committee of the Catholic Common Ground Initiative; as chair of the board of trustees of The Catholic Health Association (1998-1999); and as chair of the members of the Mercy International Association. She serves in governance roles for several healthcare, housing and religious organizations.
Sister Doris earned her bachelor's of arts in chemistry from Edgecliff College in Cincinnati, a master's of science in chemistry from the University of Notre Dame and a master's of arts and Ph.D. in theology from Fordham University. She has received numerous honorary degrees. |