As Executive Vice President of Marketing and Communications, Don Derheim manages NCPB's efforts in the areas of membership, corporate support, television marketing and communications. With 250,000 annual members, Derheim directs the integration of customer service and fund raising to sustain NCPB's most valued relationships. Overseeing the national funding efforts of such recent KQED productions as the Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Adventure Series, he plays a key role in developing strategic partnerships from coast to coast. In addition, Derheim oversaw KQED's growth in corporate support including the multi-million dollar funding increases seen for KQED Radio.
In Winter 2003, he was named to the PBS Communications Advisory Committee where he advises PBS staff on branding, promotional and advertising issues. In Fall 2006, Derheim received the PBS C.Scott Elliot award for excellence as the Development Professional of the year.
Before joining KQED in 1991, he was the advertising and marketing publicity manager at MTV Networks where he helped oversee such non-PBS projects as the Museum of UnNatural History! He joined international public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller, in 1984 where he worked on accounts such as GE, Black and Decker, and FTD. |