Mr. Aho practices in the area of litigation with an emphasis on business litigation, securities-related litigation, professional liability, arbitration and mediation. Practice Groups Litigation Complex Litigation & Mass Tort Securities & Financial Litigation Antitrust & Trade Regulation Education J.D., Wayne State University, 1983 B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1979 Bar Admissions Michigan Tennessee Professional Memberships American Bar Association President, Board of the Chattanooga Chapter Chattanooga Bar Association Sixth Circuit Vice President, Federal Bar Association Tennessee Bar Association Civic and Charitable Activities Panel Member, Arbitration panels of the American Arbitration Association, the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York Stock Exchange Former Member, Board Directors, A.I.M. Center Chairperson, City of Chattanooga's Taxi Board Director, Metropolitan YMCA Director, People's Community Development Board Hearing Committee member, Board of Professional Responsibility By appointment of the Tennessee Supreme Court Member, Technology and Local Rules Committees for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee Member, Committee appointed by the President of the Tennessee Bar Association responsible for drafting and proposing uniform rules of practice for the federal district courts of Tennessee Other Professional Accomplishments Certified as a mediator by the Tennessee Supreme Court Member of the Mediation Panel of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee Served as a law clerk to United States District Judge R. Allan Edgar in the Eastern District of Tennessee in 1985 and 1986.