Dinis Cruz is a Security Consultant based in London specializing in Penetration Testing, ASP.NET Application Security, Source-Code Security reviews, Reverse Engineering and Security Curriculum Development.
Dinis is very involved with the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) where he is part of the OWASP Board, takes the role of Chief OWASP Evangelist , creates/organizes events such as the OWASP Autumn of Code, delivers keynotes and advanced technical presentations on OWASP Conferences and leads the OWASP .Net Project where (amongst others) he created the tools: OWASP Report Generator, OWASP Site Generator, SAM'SHE (Security Analyzer for Microsoft's Shared Hosting Environments) and Asp.Net Reflector.
Currently Dinis has a flexible recurring contract with ABN AMRO's global security team. He also acts as a senior security consultant and trainer for companies such as IOActive, Foundstone, Vigilar and Infosys.
Dinis has 100% ownership of 8 year old DDPlus Computer Solutions Ltd, a UK limited company. |