Diana C. Emanuel, Ph.D., CCC-A
Department of Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology and Deaf Studies
Towson University
Diana C. Emanuel, Ph.D., CCC-A
Audiology Graduate Program Director
Department of Audiology, Speech-Language
Pathology and Deaf Studies
8000 York Road
Towson, MD 21252-0001
Ph.D. May, 1993. The Pennsylvania State University. Communication Disorders (Audiology). GPA 4.0/4.0. Dissertation: The Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion on the Auditory and Attention Systems of Children
M.S. August, 1990. The Pennsylvania State University. Communication Disorders (Audiology). GPA 4.0/4.0
B.S. January, 1988. Towson State University. Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. GPA 3.8/4.0
Certification and Licensure
Certificate of Clinical Competence - Audiology. American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association #01103674
Licensure - Audiology. State of Maryland #00712
Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology #02015-00
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Audiology
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Maryland Academy of Audiology
Professional Experience
2006- Tenured Full Professor, Towson University
2000- Tenured Associate Professor, Towson University
2000- Audiology Graduate Program Director, Towson
1996-2001 Audiology Services Coordinator, Towson University
1994-2000 Assistant Professor, Towson University
1993-1994 Clinical Fellow. Audiological and Hearing Aid Services
1993-1994 Post doctoral researcher. Penn State. Research Topic: Tolerance to Noise in Older Listeners.
Teaching Experience
Towson University
Pediatric Audiology and Rehabilitation
Auditory Diagnostics I
Research Methods
Rehabilitative Audiology: Adults
Neuroanatomy and Physiology of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems
Clinical Practicum
Aural Habilitation/Rehabilitation: Children
Introduction to Audiology
Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
Clinical Audiology
Hearing Science
Awards and Honors
President, Maryland Academy of Audiology 2003-2004
ASHA ACE Award for Continuing Education (x3)
Ask the Expert and Reviewer for Audiologyonline.com and HealthyHearing.com
Towson University
Summa Cum Laude
Secretary, TSU Honors Society
National Honors Society, Omicron Delta Kappa
Dean's List 1984-1987
Dean's Merit Scholarship 1983
Penn State
Summer Research Fellowship
Graduate Student Fellowship
President, Martial Arts Group
Secretary, Nittany Diver SCUBA Club
Peer Reviewed Publications
Emanuel, D.C. (2005). The Au.D. program at Towson University. American Journal of Audiology, 14, 14-20.
Emanuel, P.A., Fruchey, I.R., Bailey, A.M., Dang, J.L., Niyogi, K., Roos, J.W., Cullin, D., & Emanuel, D.C. (2005). Automated screening for biological weapons in homeland defense. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, 3(1), 39-50.
Abouchacra, K., Emanuel, D.C., Letowski, T., & Blood, I.M. (1998). Spatial perception of speech in various signal-to-noise ratios. Ear and Hearing. 19(4), 298-309.
Emanuel, D.C. (2002). The auditory processing battery: Survey of common practices. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 13, 93-117.
Frank, T. & Wright, D.C. (1990). Attenuation provided by audiometric earphone systems. Ear and Hearing, 11(1), 70-78.
Vernon-Feagans, L., Emanuel, D.C., & Blood, I. (1997). The effect of otitis media and quality of daycare on children's language development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18(3), 395-410.
Wright, D.C. & Frank, T. (1992). Attenuation values for a supra-aural earphone for children and insert earphone for children and adults. Ear and Hearing, 13(6), 454-459.
Other Publications
Alterman, M., & Emanuel, D.C. (2004, Summer). School hearing screening and training program in Baltimore, Maryland. Educational Audiology Review, 12-13.
Emanuel, D.C. (2004, September/October). Probe ear or stimulus ear? How audiologists report contralateral acoustic reflex thresholds. Audiology Today, 36.
Emanuel, D. (2004). Is there a link between the UCL and the stapedius reflex threshold? AudiologyOnline. Retrived July 1, 2004, from http://www.audiologyonline.com/askexpert/display_question.asp?question_id=233
Emanuel, D. (2005). Why does the Carhart notch appear at 2000 Hz in otosclerotic patients and at no other frequency? Audiology Online. Retrived May 9, 2005, from www.audiologyonline.com/askexpert/display_question.asp?id=293.
Emanuel, D. (2004, Summer). President’s Message: Audiology educational requirements and licensure laws. Maryland Audiology, 1.
Emanuel, D.C. (1997). Clinical application of evoked otoacoustic emissions. Special Interest Division 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood, 7(3), 5-7.
Emanuel, D.C., Laufer, M.B., & Pillion, J.P. (2004, July/August). Financial support for the AuD externship. Audiology Today, 20.
Emanuel, D.C., & Letowski, T. (2003). Tolerance to noise in older listeners. Proceedings of the Euronoise 2003 Conference.
Letowski, T. & Emanuel, D.C. (1995). Most comfortable listening levels for listening through earphones and in a sound field. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Acoustics, 3, 268-272.
Multiple authors. (in press). Classroom acoustics guidelines. Maryland State Department of Education.
Vernon-Feagans, L., Emanuel, D.C., & Blood, I.M. (1996) Otitis Media in daycare: Factors that affect children’s language. In D.J. Lim, C.D. Bluestone, M. Casselbrant, J.O. Klien, J.D. Nelson, & P.L. Ogra (Eds.). Proceedings of recent advances in Otitis Media. Ontario, Canada: Decker Periodicals, Inc.
Book Review
Reviewed Essentials of Audiology by S. Gelfand. February, 1998. Ear and Hearing, 19(1), 88-89.
Blood, I.M., Feagans, L.V., & Wright, D.C. (1992). A longitudinal study on otitis media in children attending daycare. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association. San Antonio, TX.
Blood, I.M., Wright, D.C., Feagans, L., Gundrum, C. & O,K. (1991). Auditory processing in four-year-old children. Podium presentation at the Society for Ear, Nose & Throat Advances in Children. Galveston, TX.
Buck, T. P., Keetay, V., Church, G., Culpepper,B., Packer, B., Osborne, G., Emanuel, D.C., Windmill, I., Kricos, P., Gould, H.J., Hurley, R., Stecker, N., & Meyer, D. (2001). Selecting and Au.D. program. Invited presentation and panel discussion at the American Academy of Audiology Convention. San Diego, CA.
Copmann, K., Emanuel, D.C., McNeilly, L., & Siren, K. (1996). Closing the gap between researchers and clinicians. Invited panel presentation at the Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Donai, J.J, Emanuel, D.C., Korczak, P., and Laufer, B. (2005). The awareness of audiology among college students. Poster presentation at the Audiology Education Summit. Ft. Lauderdale, CA.
Emanuel, D.C. (2003). Tolerance to noise in older listeners. Podium presentation at the Euronoise 2003 Conference, Naples, Italy.
Eberwein, C., & Emanuel, D.C. (2001). DPOAE hearing conservation program for music students. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Convention. San Diego, CA.
Emanuel, D.C., (2001). Basic math skills in CSD students. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Convention. San Diego, CA.
Emanuel, D.C., Alterman, M., & Osborne, L. (2001). Audiology Screening Program Management in a Large Public School System. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association. New Orleans, LA.
Emanuel, D.C. (1999). Otoacoustic emissions in young musicians. Poster presentation at the Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Emanuel, D.C. (1997). Integrating OAEs into the diagnostic process. Invited podium presentation at the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology. Harrisburg, PA.
Emanuel, D.C., Blood, I.M., & Feagans, L.V. (1996). Effects of otitis media with effusion on the auditory systems of children. Poster presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association. Seattle, Washington.
Emanuel, D.C., Davie, J.M., & Holland, A. (1998). TEOAEs as a screening tool for adults with mental retardation. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Convention. Los Angeles, CA.
Emanuel, D.C., Laufer, M.B., & Pillion, J.P. (2004). Non-employee financial support for 4th year Au.D. students. Presentation at the American Academy of Audiology 4th Year Au.D. Consensus Conference Reston,VA.
Emanuel, D.C. & Letowski, T. (1995). Tolerance to background noise in older adult listeners. Podium presentation at the American Speech Language Hearing Association. Orlando, Fl.
Emanuel, P., Bailey, A. M., Fruchey, I. R., Emanuel, D., Roos, J., & Cullin, D. (2004). Robotic screening for biological weapons in homeland defense. DSTL PCR2 meeting, Bournemouth, UK.
Emanuel, P.A., Fruchey, I.R., Bailey, AM., Dang, J.L., Seegar, T., Roos, J.W., Emanuel, D.C., & Cullin, D. (2004). Automated screening for biological weapons in homeland defense. Poster presented at the American Society of Microbiologists. New Orleans, LA.
Evans, H., Emanuel, D.C., Korczak, P., & Pallett, S. (2003). Development of a vocational counseling tool for CSD Students. Presentation at the American Academy of Audiology Convention. Salt Lake City, UT.
Renna, T. & Emanuel, D.C. (1998). CAPD and DPOAEs. Poster presentation at the Maryland Speech Language Hearing Association Convention. Baltimore, MD.
Serdinow, M. J., Emanuel, D.C., Laufer, M.B., & Pallett, S.B. (2005). Student and preceptor expectations regarding the 4th year audiology externship. Poster presented at the American Academy of Audiology Convention, Washington, DC.
Wright, D.C., & Angelelli, J. (1991). Occlusion effect caused by audiometric earphones. Podium presentation at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Baltimore, MD.
Wright, D.C., Bigger, M.E., & Frank, T. (1991). Attenuation characteristics of audiometric earphones fitted on children. Podium presentation at the meting of the Acoustical Society of America. State College, PA
Wright, D.C. & Frank, T. (1989). Attenuation characteristics of audiometric earphones. Podium presentation at the meeting of the American Speech Language Hearing Association. St. Louis, MO.
Wright, D.C., & Frank, T. (1990). Bone conduction thresholds for different mastoid placement sites. Podium presentation at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. State College, PA.
Grants and contracts
Faculty Development and Research Grant. Otoacoustic emissions in young musicians. 1996. $900.
Faculty Development and Research Grant. Au.D. program proposal. 1999. $2100.
Faculty Development and Research Grant. Relationship between complex language processing and central auditory processing in children between 7 and 10 years of age. 2000. $1,136.
Externally funded contracts (doctoral fellowship) for 4th year students: $231,191 |