Deborah Everhart is a Sr. Architect at Blackboard, where she provides leadership in product strategy and development. Her responsibilities include researching, analyzing, and designing features and functionality for Blackboard products. She teaches as an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University's Medieval Studies program. She received her Ph.D. in English from the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Everhart has been using computers in the classroom since 1985. The Labyrinth, the medieval studies Website that she co-directs with Martin Irvine, was the first Web project at Georgetown University. She served for six years as the Sr. Internet Development Coordinator in University Information Services at Georgetown University, where she acted as Internet2 Applications Representative, coordinated the University's Web development as Chair of the GUide Committee, and implemented and supported Blackboard. Dr. Everhart has written numerous articles and presented papers and seminars on medieval literature, Web/database development, education technologies, and the future of online learning. |