Mr. Morrison has 35 years experience in various executive positions, both within the United States and internationally. Since 1998, Mr. Morrison has been providing consulting services relating to strategy and marketing, with an emphasis in the field of surgical ophthalmology. Following the acquisition by Chiron Vision of Iolab in March 1995, Mr. Morrison was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of the combined businesses, which were based in Claremont, California. Mr. Morrison began his career with Chiron Vision as President of International Operations in October 1994. Prior to joining Chiron Vision, Mr. Morrison was employed by the Gillette Company as Area Vice President for Europe. In 1981, Mr. Morrison joined Cooper Vision as its Area Vice President for Europe, Africa and the Middle East. When Mr. Morrison decided to end his career with Cooper Vision in 1989, he was President of International Operations and Co-Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Morrison began his career at Warner Lambert/Parke Davis in 1970, eventually attaining a senior marketing position within US headquarters. Mr. Morrison holds an Honors Degree in Economics and is a post-graduate in Business Administration.
Committees : Audit Committee