David A. Moreno is a shareholder in the Fresno office. He specializes in labor and employment, personnel, and general education law. Mr. Moreno began working for Lozano Smith as a paralegal in 1994. He has assisted in complex litigation cases, including discovery and motion practice. He has extensive experience with civil rights and discrimination claims and has handled both employee and student discipline matters. In addition, Mr. Moreno has presented workshops on employee leave rights and the evaluation and discipline of employees.
Prior to pursuing a career in law, Mr. Moreno worked as a teaching assistant at California State University, Fresno, and the University of Kansas where he was responsible for instruction and student evaluation for courses in remedial writing, English composition, and literature. While completing his paralegal education, he worked as an intern with the United States Attorney's office.
Mr. Moreno earned his J.D. with distinction from San Joaquin College of Law. He was admitted to the California State Bar in 2001. |