David has 20 years of experience developing enterprise information systems for a wide variety of applications including Earth science data management, telecommunications operational support, financial management, business performance management, airline reservation processing, and digital audio transcription. He has served in senior technical and management roles for IBM, Mitre, and Veridian Information Systems, providing systems and services to both commercial and government clients. He has supported strategic technology initiatives for both government and commercial clients including NASA, NSA, USPTO, DEA, DOL, VHA, IBM, BroadBand Office, Warburg-Pincus Ventures, and Prudential Insurance. Recent relevant experience includes strategic IT consulting for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise; development of a telecommunications operational support system; development of Outlook/Exchange-based team coordination solutions; network implementations for small businesses; and management of a Federal data warehousing practice. He holds a Bachelor’s in electrical and computer engineering and a Master’s in systems engineering. |