David Eastburn, Chairman
A pioneer in on-line computing and broadband services, Mr. Eastburn has 30 years of experience in interactive computing, application design & development, R&D, content acquisition & development, business development, and executive level management and consulting services. Examples of his experience include: Provided consulting services on all aspects of broadband service deployment. Testified in patent cases as both expert and fact witness. Wrote expert reports and claims interpretations. Conducted extensive prior art research and reconstructed applications for high profile Internet patent cases. 22 years at CompuServe with responsibilities for Product Marketing, Advanced Technologies (R&D), Channel Marketing, International Operations, and Business Development. Many industry firsts. Early broadband trials: Warner Qube (Columbus, OH; 1981), Continental (Exeter, NH; 1993), Time Warner (Elmira, NY; 1994), Rogers (Toronto, ON; 1995). VP & General Manager for Road Runner deployment in Columbus, Ohio; 1997-1999. Designed and developed early device-independent computer graphics applications beginning in the 1970's. Extensive experience in relational database management systems. Highly sought speaker at global industry gatherings on a wide range of topics. MS Computer & Information Science, The Ohio State Univ; AB Math, Catawba College |