Dr. Chapman is a highly respected veteran phycologist who studies the biochemistry, physiology and acclimation responses of algae and phytoplankton as well as biosynthesis and function of algal natural products. Dr. Chapman’s experience in manipulation of algae, which spans 5 decades, includes analysis of nutraceutical, medical diagnostic, and industrial algal natural products. Some of his current projects include studying adaptive carotenoid pigment systems and the xanthophyll cycle, ultra high cell density photobioreactors, extracellular carbohydrates, algal phytohormones, and novel uses for algal materials. Dr. Chapman has published over 100 articles in peer reviewed journals and has served on the editorial boards of phycological journals. Dr. Chapman has published both research publications and book chapters discussing the economic uses of numerous algal species, including in Biology of Economic Algae (Ed. I. Akatsuka, The Hague. Netherlands. (1994)). He was previously the Dean of the Mathematical, Life and Physical Sciences Division of the University of California, Santa Barbara and prior to that he was a faculty member at UCLA and the University of Chicago. Dr. Chapman received a Ph.D. in Marine Biology at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. |