Mr. Rendina was responsible for the compilation and execution of the company’s business plan including all aspects of profitability, customer satisfaction, compliance with financial and other regulatory reporting requirements, employee recruiting, employee health and safety issues, and the quality of laboratory service. Additionally, he was responsible for the acquisition and administration of over twelve million dollars in technology development investments. As the principal researcher he was responsible for the generation of proposals, the generation and maintenance of intellectual property, and the execution of the projects arising from the proposals. He was responsible for overseeing all aspects of work of a team that, at various times, was comprised of over thirty researchers developing a process for mass production of exfoliated materials and exploring their performance as semi-permeable coatings and catalyst. (1989 -1997) President and principal researcher at REND Technologies Inc. As the chief executive officer, Mr. Rendina led a team effort to establish a private, materials research facility. Ultimately responsible for the compilation and execution of the company’s business plan including all aspects of profitability, customer satisfaction, compliance with financial and other regulatory reporting requirements, employee recruiting, employee health and safety issues, and the quality of laboratory service. Served as principal researcher; responsible for the generation of proposals, the generation and maintenance of intellectual property, and the execution of the projects arising from the proposals.