David A. Sullivan, a Ph.D. graduate of Dartmouth Medical School, is anAssociate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at HarvardMedical School and a Senior Scientist at the Schepens Eye ResearchInstitute (SERI) of Boston, Massachusetts. Over the past 24 years, hisresearch has focused on endocrine and immune interactions in the eye,with a particular emphasis on dry eye syndromes, which has led to hisauthorship or co-authorship of more than 175 scientific articles(published, submitted or in preparation). Also, he has served as apreceptor for 20 postdoctoral fellows and has presented researchseminars on ophthalmology, immunology, endocrinology and autoimmunityat international meetings and medical institutions throughout theworld. Dr. Sullivan has organized five International Conferences ontear film and has acted as a Chairman of the Graduate EducationCommittee of the Dartmouth Medical School Alumni Council. |