Mr. Spinogatti manages EBI Consulting’s western region operations, overseeing assessment projects for financial and real estate clients throughout the West Coast. He has over 15 years of real estate assessment experience, and is a registered professional geologist and a registered environmental manager. Mr. Spinogatti specializes in dealing with multifamily environmental and engineering assessments, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD scopes of work. His technical expertise also includes hydrology, water treatment, soil/groundwater remediation, and use of constructed wetlands for water quality improvement. Mr. Spinogatti earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and a master’s degree in hydrology/hydrogeology from the University of Nevada. He has completed technical and professional training in third-party multifamily accelerated processing (MAP), property condition assessments, AHERA asbestos building inspection, and strategies for conducting indoor air quality investigations. |