Dr. Kuokka has a broad range of expertise ranging from basic research to executive and product management. Dr. Kuokka managed engineering groups at Actra, a business-to-business e-commerce software startup later purchased by Netscape. After developing and delivering these systems as part of the Buyer Xpert software suite, Dr. Kuokka became Group Product Manager for the AOL Organizer Division. In this role, Dr. Kuokka led a team of product managers responsible for specifying the functionality and user experience of AOL's on-line calendar. Dr. Kuokka worked on agents at Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Labs applying them to common office productivity tasks and workflow. At Lockheed Martin, Dr. Kuokka was the principal investigator and manager of the Shade team, which developed basic technologies enabling networks of information consuming and producing agents. At Hewlett-Packard Labs, Dr. Kuokka worked on collaborative design systems allowing engineers to efficiently design products that take into account often neglected goals such as maintainability, reliability, and disposability. Dr. Kuokka has Ph.D. Computer Science and a M.S. Electrical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University and a B.S. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from University of Washington |