Prominent physicist who has made numerous contributions not only in many scientific areas but also in international affairs, government service, entrepreneurship and public education. After receiving his doctorate in theoretical physics from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Feng was a United Kingdom Science Research Council fellow at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Manchester, and then joined the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Nuclear Studies as a Senior Scientist. In 1976, he joined the Physics Department of Drexel University, where he became the M. Russell Wehr Chair Professor of Physics. Dr. Feng took a leave of absence from Drexel in 1998 to serve as Vice President and HUBS (Hospitals, Universities, Businesses and Schools) General Manager of Science Applications International Corporation, a high-technology, multinational Fortune 500 company with 41,000 employees. In December 2000, he joined the University of Texas at Dallas, where he now serves as Professor of Physics and Special Assistant to the President for Global Strategies and International Relations. In addition to theoretical physics, Dr. Feng’s scientific expertise extends to mathematical physics, nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, quantum optics, fundamental issues of quantum mechanics, network architecture and computational physics. He has served as a consultant to the theoretical physics groups at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the United Kingdom’s Daresbury Laboratory. |