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Profile of Cyrus Shahabi

Cyrus Shahabi

CTO - Geosemble Technologies Inc.
Cyrus Shahabi Email :
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Company Name : Geosemble Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.geosemble.com
Company Address : 841 Apollo St.
Ste. 400, El Segundo, CA,
United States,
Cyrus Shahabi Profile :
CTO - Geosemble Technologies Inc.
Cyrus Shahabi Biography :

Dr. Shahabi is currently the CTO of the Geosemble Technologies. He is also an Associate Professor and the Director of the Information Laboratory (InfoLAB) at the Computer Science Department at the University of Southern California. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California in August 1996. He has two books and more than hundred articles, book chapters, and conference papers in the areas of databases, GIS and multimedia. Dr. Shahabi's current research interests include Geospatial Data Integration, Streaming Architectures, Multidimensional Data Analysis and Peer-to-Peer Systems. He is currently on the editorial board of ACM Computers in Entertainment magazine and program committee chair of ICDE NetDB 2005 and ACM GIS 2005. He is also serving on many conference program committees such as SSTD 2005, ACM CIKM 2004, IEEE ICDE 2004 and ACM SIGMOD 2004. Dr. Shahabi is the recipient of the 2002 National Science Foundation CAREER Award and 2003 Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). In 2001, he also received an award from the Okawa Foundations.

Cyrus Shahabi Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Robert Landes

CEO Please login

Andre Doumitt

Pres., COO Please login

Craig Knoblock

Chief Scientist Please login

Ching-Chien Chen

Dir. - Research, Development Please login

Dipsy Kapoor

Research Scientist Please login

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