Like many engineers, Claudio Topolcic's love of all things technical began in childhood with trips to the local recycling station to scavenge mechanical parts for tinkering. Having started out in engineering at college, a class in computer programming piqued his interest, and led to undergrad and graduate degrees in Computer Science from MIT. Following his love of computers, Claudio transitioned to Bolt, Beranek and Newman (later GTE Internetworking and Genuity) and got involved in the heady days of the early Internet, where he built a variety of networks to support advanced real-time applications, including the Defense Simulation Internet and served as an Internet Area Director for the Internet Engineering Task Force. He also worked for Vint Cerf at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives helping to coordinate the US government agency research networks. When asked why he came to work at Glance, Claudio says, I liked Rich. He'll also admit he enjoys the entrepreneurial environment of a start-up focused on making a highly technical product easy enough for anyone to use. Fortunately, Claudio's childhood tinkering talent continues at Glance where his desk is still filled with enough spare parts to fix anything in our office. On weekends, Claudio and his wife can be found in local nature preserves, armed with binoculars and spotting scopes, tracking down less common members of Class Aves. |