Prior to joining Maglio & Clark, Inc., Christina worked in manufacturing and service business sectors for Fortune 500 organizations where she held corporate and division assignments in employee and labor
relations. Her most recent Human Resources Leadership assignment was for a two-year technical college.
Her lifelong education philosophy is supported by her ongoing academic studies. She received her undergraduate degree from Webster University, St. Louis, MO where she majored in management, her
graduate studies in Human Resources Development and Adult Continuing Education at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL.
She is continuing her formal education at Northern Illinois University doctoral program and anticipates completion of and Ed.D. in Human Resources Development in the year 2004. The focus of her dissertation
is performance management systems.
Human Resources Administration
Human Resources audits
Affirmative action plan preparation and implementation
Health insurance plan design
Worker’s compensation claims analysis and management
Non-traditional employee recruiting and interviewing strategies
Labor relations strategy and contract negotiations
Establishment of employee assistance programs
Evaluation and selection of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
Strategic Planning
Human capital initiatives supporting organizational strategy
Organizational Development
Organizational redesign modeling for high performance work systems
Diagnosing organizational culture and interventions
Adult learning theories
International adult education in developing countries
Leadership and management development
Employee attitude surveys
Employee opinion focus groups
Succession planning for high potential employees
Organizational needs assessment
Establishment of core competencies and critical functions
Workplace Education
Process mapping of Human Resources procedures and practices
Needs assessment
Diversity initiatives
Curriculum development and design of training programs to support new employee orientation
Co-employment practices training |