Detective Chris Jensen of the Phoenix Police Department, has over 23 years of law enforcement experience. For the past 13 years, he has served as a detective in the city’s Drug Enforcement Bureau, first working undercover, and subsequently working on major conspiracy cases including over 60 title III investigations. Most notably, he was a primary investigator on the Sammy The Bull Gravano case. Since that time, Detective Jensen has served as the systems administrator of all electronic surveillance platforms, including both audio and video surveillance, for the City of Phoenix. Detective Jensen now leads the design, installation and administration of the City’s Desert Guardian video surveillance system. This system has been used in investigations ranging from drug busts to homicides, including the Baseline Killer and Random Shooter cases. Detective Jensen is a major proponent of wireless video surveillance and a pioneer of covert case based temporary wireless video deployments. Detective Jensen is also a state and nationally certified intelligence analyst and guides the analytical efforts in the city’s Drug Enforcement Bureau.