Chris Hopen co-founded Aventail with Evan Kaplan in 1996, serves as Aventail's chief technology officer, and is a member the company's board of directors. Prior to founding Aventail, Hopen served as director of network technology for CompuServe's Internet Division, where he was a key contributor to CompuServe's dial-up Internet products, and designed and managed the development of the dial-up protocol stacks of SPRY's Internet In A Box, AIR Series, and Internet Office application suites. Before that, Hopen was director of software architecture at Geographic Technology Inc., a developer of map databases, where he led redesign and new technology development. Hopen has also held positions with Statsmaster, Inc. and Boeing Advanced Systems. He holds a BSCS from Western Washington University. Hopen was recently named one of the top 50 IT executives in the service provider sector by InfoWorld. |