Kahu Charles Kauluwehi Maxwell, Sr., a retired Maui and Moloka'i police officer, is a Hawaiian Priest, spiritual healer, cultural practitioner, teacher, lecturer, consultant, activist and radio show host.
His wide-ranging activities include: Talk Story with Uncle Charlie, a weekly KNUI radio talk show that features Hawaiian music, chants, stories, and island issues; serving as a consultant at the Maui Ocean Center on their captive shark program; and teaching Hawaiian spirituality and culture to inmates in the Maui Correctional Center. He also lectures statewide on the habits of sharks and their role in Hawaiian culture and history.
Mr. Maxwell was the first president of the ALOHA (Aboriginal Lands of Hawaiian Ancestry) Association and was involved in reparation efforts regarding the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy by the U.S government. He was also instrumental in the occupation of Kaho'olawe Island that led to the island’s return to the state of Hawai'i to be used as a living Hawaiian culture center.
Mr. Maxwell is affiliated with organizations such as the chair of the Maui/Lana'i Island Burial Council; Hawai'i Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission; Hawaiian member of the State of Hawai'i Shark Task Force; executive director of Hui 'Ai Pohaku Inc., principal researcher for CKM Cultural Resources L.L.C, kupuna for Haleakala National Park and the Maui County Council. |